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Next Level Security using your trusted devices

Trusted Devices

How do traditional Wallets Work?

  • Private keys

    You need to trust the key generation process or you could lose your keys.

  • Public keys

    Converts your private key into a public key using a hash function, then encode it to create your unique address.

  • Seed phrases

    A seed phrase is a human-readable representation of your private key using standardized words

Traditional Wallets

PRIVATE KEYS: A Single Point of Failure

VULTISIG eliminates the risks of traditional key management with next-gen crypto vaults.
  • Private key creation

    Private key creation

    Creating private keys in one place makes them vulnerable to theft or loss. One mistake and your assets are at risk.

  • Storage of private keys

    Storage of private keys

    Private keys stored in one place create a single point of failure, exposing your funds to hackers or mismanagement.

  • Human error

    Human error

    People are vulnerable to being exploited or tricked.
Most wallet drains happen due to social engineering that reveals the private key.

  • Introducing Vultisigs recovery: vault shares instead of seed phrases

    With Vultisig, you bring your own trusted devices - phone, desktop, laptops or tablets.

    Your devices create vaults together using their unique shards called “vault shares”, which are unique to each device. The private key never exists, the devices just proof the collaborative access to it!

    Individual Vault-shares never store funds and can be safely imported/exported anywhere.

    Each vault is natively multi-factor -- and you can co-sign safely anywhere in the world.

    Store each device's Vault Share separately and sleep soundly.

Introducing Vultisigs <span class='gradient-text'>recovery</span>: vault shares instead of seed phrases

Secure your digital assets now!

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